EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Debug a trunk link failure.
trunkDebug port1, port2
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to debug a trunk link failure. This command
reports one of the following messages based on the trunking
properties of the two specified ports:
◆ Switch does not support trunking
◆ Trunking license required
◆ port<port_id> is not E_Port
◆ port<port_id> trunking disabled
◆ port<port_id> speed is not 2 G
◆ port<port_id> and port<port_id> are not on same quad
◆ port<port_id> and port<port_id> connect to different switches
◆ port<port_id> is not Trunking port due to: E_Port being disabled,
or trunking may be disabled at remote port
◆ port<port_id> and port<port_id> can’t trunk, please check link
length to make sure difference is less than 400 m
Operands This command has the following operands:
To debug a trunk connection:
switch:admin> trunkDebug 3, 4
port 3 is not E port
See Also trunkShow
Use the area number to specify port1. Use the
switchshow command to view the area numbers for a
port. This operand is required.
Use the area number to specify port2. Use the
switchshow command to view the area numbers for a
port. This operand is required.