Panasonic A4 Series Power Supply User Manual

• RS485 Communication
= It waits for the reception of Module ID, and or it is dealing with reception.
Block transmission
Ready for ACK/NAK
Module identification byte 
of transmitter is the module 
ID | 80h of the counterpart.
Ready for ID Ready for EOT
Ready for ENQ or EOT
Ready for command byte counts
Ready for finish of receiving data
Reception of remained block
Enquiry for 
transmission, 
and retry times
are within setup
Module 
recognition byte,
Transmission 
of ENQT2 start
Module ID of opponent
T1 start
ID reception of other than
opponent and at slave
Return ENQ to reception 
(receipt processing)
Enquiry for transmission, 
butretry times are over.
Reset of retry times
Clear of transmission 
Reception of EOT 
Size Command bytes +3
T2 stop
T2 time out
One count of 
retry times
T2 stop
Clearance of 
transmission 
T1 time out
One count of 
retry times
T1 stop
Clearance of 
transmission 
Reception of ACK or
T2 time out
Count once of 
retry times
T2 stop
Clearance of 
transmission buffer
Reception of ACK
Reset of retry times
T2 stop
Clearance of 
transmission enquiry
Size becomes 0
Transmission of 
one character
Size Size - 1
Reception of 
module 
recognition 
T1 start
Reception of
of EOT
T2 start
T1 time out
T1 stop
Module 
identification byte 
isnot module ID 
and ENQ 
reception or 
T1 timeout
T1 stop in
Success of reception
(Check sum OK'ed and 
module recognition 
byte is module ID, 
when size becomes o.)
Transmission of ACK,
T1 stop
T2 time out
Transmission of NAK 
when module 
identification byte 
ismodule ID, and 
T2 stop inother case
Module recognition byte is 
module ID and reception of ENQ
Module recognition byte,
Transmission of ENQ, T2 start
Reception of command byte counts
Size command byte counts + 3
Sum command byte counts
T1 start, T2 stop
Reception of one character
Size Size - 1
Sum Sum + received character
T1 start
Reception of 
one character
T1 start
Failure of reception.
(Check sum error when 
size becomes o.)
T1 start
Transmission to other 
axis (module recognition
byte is not module ID 
when size becomes 0)
T1 stop
T1 time out
Transmission of NAK and
T1 stop when module 
recognition byte is 
module ID.
T1 stop in other case
than the above.
T1 time out
of NAK, 
T1 stop