Template Manager Dialog
The Template Manager dialog is made up of the following elements:
• Categories - Lists a hierarchy of item categories for installed and user template items.
Installed templates can be viewed but not modified.
• Templates - Lists the templates for the currently selected category. When you select a template, you
are able to edit its properties in the lower half of the dialog.
• Template file - File name of the currently selected template.
Details Tab
The Details tab of the Template Manager dialog contains the following:
• Name - Specifies the name for the template item. The name is used in the Templates list of the Add
New Item dialog.
• Description - Specifies the description for the template item. The description is displayed on the Add
New Item dialog when the template is selected.
• Default name - Specifies the default item name when using the Add New Item dialog box.
• Sort order - Specifies an order number that is used to sort the template item in relation to other tem-
plate items in a list. Used to sort template items in a category on the Add New Item dialog box. Lower
sort orders are placed ahead of higher sort order values in a sorted list.
Files Tab
Use the Files tab of the Template Manager dialog to add, edit, order, and delete files in a template. Files
are created from a template when using the Add New Item dialog, as when adding an item template to a
Add, Edit, Order, and Delete operations are accessible from the buttons on the right side or from the con-
text menu inside the list of files.
Custom Parameters Tab
Use the Custom Parameters tab of the Template Manager dialog to add, edit, and delete substitution
parameters in a template. Substitution parameters are used to replace parameter names in the content of
files created from a template with a pre-defined value. Substitution parameters can also be used to form
target file names (Files tab).
Add, Edit, and Delete operations are accessible from the buttons on the right side or from the context
Template Manager Dialog