expression. Matches are also marked with a yellow arrow that appears in the gutter to the left of the test
case. You can hover your mouse on this arrow to see a tooltip which displays the matched expression de-
tails. When groups (tagged expressions) are used in your regular expression pattern, the groups will be
boxed and highlighted in yellow in the Test Cases section.
Entering a Regular Expression
Enter the regular expression to test in the text field. Use the radio buttons to select the expression syntax
that you wish to use: UNIX, SlickEdit®, or Brief. Click the arrow to the right of the regular expression field
to pick from a menu of common syntax and operators.
Regex Evaluator Options
The following options and buttons are available on the Regex Evaluator view:
• Multiline mode - If Multiline mode is selected, rather than searching through the test cases line-
by-line, regular expressions will be searched on all lines at once. This is useful for test cases that wrap
to the next line. This works just as if you had entered \om on the SlickEdit® Core command line.
• Case sensitive - If Case sensitive is selected, the regular expression search will be case sensitive.
This option is on by default.
• New expression button - To clear the view window of all entries in order to start a new evaluation,
click the button at the top of the view window labeled New expression.
• Open a saved expression button - To open an expression that you have already saved, click the
folder button at the top of the view window labeled Open a saved expression.
• Save the current expression button - To save the current expression, click the diskette button at the
top of the view window labeled Save the current expression. Both the expression and the test cases
will be saved to a file. The default extension is .regx.
• Save as button - To save the current expression with a different file name than what has previously
been saved, click the button at the top of the view window labeled Save the current expression as.
Using the Calculator and Math