the line only if the cursor position is before the intended indent location; otherwise, it will insert an ad-
ditional tab stop. When this option is deselected, it reindents the line when the cursor is located on
the leading whitespace, regardless of whether the column is before or after the intended indent loca-
• Tabs - Set tabs in increments of a specific value or at specific column positions. To specify an incre-
ment of three, enter 3 in the text box. To specify columns, for example, enter 1 8 27 44, to specify tab
stops that are not an increment of a specific value.
• Indent with tabs - Determines whether Tab key, Enter key, and paragraph reformat commands indent
with spaces or tabs. See Indenting with Tabs for more information.
• Insert real indent (affects all extensions) - When this option is selected, the Enter key inserts real
spaces or tabs representing the indent instead of virtual spaces. This check box affects all extensions
when it is selected. This option allows the function for the End key on the keyboard to place the cursor
after blank text where new text can be typed.
• Indent selection when text selected (affects all extensions) - When this option is selected, it affects
all of the extensions, and pressing Tab or Shift+Tab indents or un-indents the selected text.
• Backspace at beginning of line un-indents - When this option is selected and the cursor is located
before the first non-blank character, pressing the Backspace key un-indents the current line by one in-
dent level. See also Setting the Backspace Unindent Style.
• Use SmartPaste® - Specifies whether copied or pasted text should be reindented according to what
the editor thinks is the correct indent level. See SmartPaste for more information.
• Use Dynamic Surround - Provides the ability to surround a group of statements with a block state-
ment, indented to the correct levels according to your indent settings on this tab. In order for Dynamic
Surround to work, the option Syntax Expansion must also be selected (see below). See Dynamic Sur-
round for more information on how to use this feature.
• Syntax expansion - Activates the Syntax Expansion feature. When this option is selected, pressing the
spacebar after typing a keyword such as if or for will cause that syntax element to be expanded, insert-
ing the rest of the if or for statement. Alternately, you can bind a space command to a key other than
the spacebar. See Syntax Expansion for more information on using this feature.
• Minimum expandable keyword length - Sets the minimum length for a keyword that will trigger Syn-
tax Expansion. For example, if this is set to 3, then two-letter keywords such as if will not be expanded.
Word Wrap Tab
The Word Wrap tab contains options for controlling how text is wrapped. To access these options, click
Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Ex-
tension Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, select the Word Wrap tab.
Figure 10.33. Extension Options: Word Wrap Tab
Extension Options Dialog