Slick V3.3 Computer Accessories User Manual

The Backup History feature is available for viewing and comparing the differences between the current
and previous versions of an open file. It utilizes the DIFFzilla® dialog for diffs (see Using the DIFFzilla Dia-
log). For more information about this working with Backup History, see File History and Backups.
3-Way Merge
The 3-Way Merge editing feature can be used after two people make a local copy of the same source file,
and each makes modifications to their local copy. The 3-Way Merge takes both sets of changes and cre-
ates a new source file. If there are any differences, a dialog box is displayed that lets you select the
changes that you want in the output file. The output file can be viewed side-by-side or interleaved.
Performing a Three-Way Merge
To perform a three-way merge, complete the following steps:
1. From the main menu, click Tools File Merge (or use the merge command). The 3-Way Merge
Setup dialog is displayed.
Figure 8.4. 3-Way Merge Setup Dialog
3-Way Merge