Command Key Sequence or Menu Item Description
lected area. Line selections are
word-wrapped with current margin
settings. Block selections are
word-wrapped within the columns
of the block. Character selection
is not supported.
execute_selection Alt+= Executes each line or sub-line of
the selected text as if entered on
the command line.
put <filename>,
None Writes the selected text to file
name. Use File → Insert a File to
insert a file.
append <filename>,
None Appends the selected text to the
file’s file name.
sort_within_selection None Sorts lines within a selected area.
sort_on_selection None Sorts lines of text based on text
within columns specified.
add None Adds selected text and inserts
result below the last line of the se-
lection. Addition is performed for
each adjacent line. If no operator
exists between two adjacent num-
bers, addition is assumed.
align_selection_left None For block selections only (see
Block Selections), aligns the text
enclosed in the selection to the
left edge of the selection.
align_selection_center None For block selections only (see
Block Selections), centers the text
enclosed in the selection.
align_selection_right None For block selections only (see
Block Selections), aligns the text
enclosed in the selection to the
right edge of the selection.