Extract Class
Breaks a large class into a better abstraction by moving some responsibilities into a new class or inter-
face. This refactoring creates new files. When using the Extract Class refactoring, keep in mind the follow-
ing information:
• The default path uses the same directory as the original class.
• The default file names are the <class_name>.(cpp/h).
• Default paths and file names can be changed.
• The files will be added to the current project.
• If version control is enabled, you are prompted to add the files to the version control system.
• The new class will generate a default constructor, and a constructor that takes a parameter per mem-
ber variable moved. Initializers in the original class' constructors for moved member variables are
moved to the new class' constructors.
Figure 6.39. C++ Refactoring: Extract Class 1
Figure 6.40. C++ Refactoring: Extract Class 2
C++ Refactoring