Building and Managing Tag Files
Context Tagging® creates tag files to store information about symbols and, optionally, cross-reference in-
formation from your source code. Many of the most powerful SlickEdit® Core features use this information
to speed your coding.
Building Tag Files
Tag files are automatically created and maintained for files in the workspace (see Creating Tag Files for
Run-Time Libraries). You may need to create extension-specific tag files for compiler includes or other lib-
raries that you have (see Tagging Run-Time Libraries).
After a tag file is created, it is updated in the background when you make modifications. If you modify
some source files using a different application, you will need to rebuild the tag file. Tag file names have
the extension .vtg. By separating tag files for different languages, the Context Tagging features can
identify symbol information for the file that you are currently editing.
Creating Tag Files for Run-Time Libraries
The Create Tag Files for Run-Time Libraries dialog appears when SlickEdit® Core is run for the first time.
It allows you to build tag files for commonly used languages and their libraries, including C, C++, Java,
and .NET. You can access this dialog at any time in order to create tag files, from the Context Tagging -
Tag Files Dialog (click Tools → Tag Files, then click Auto Tag).
Figure 5.6. Automatic Tagging Dialog
Building Tag Files