mand Exclude
ISPF Move Lines M and MM for blocks
• M [n] - Move n lines starting with the line with the command.
• MM - Move a block of lines, must match another MM.
Specify lines to be moved to another location. There are two forms to this command. The first form (M [n])
specifies that the line and the subsequent n-1 lines are to be moved. The second (block) form (MM) is
placed on the first and last lines of the block to be moved. There can be only one move block specified.
Furthermore, you cannot have both a move block and a copy block specified at the same time.
See Also
ISPF Line Command A, ISPF Line Command B, ISPF Line Command Copy, ISPF Line Command
ISPF Insert Mask Line MASK
Displays the contents of the mask used with the insert (I) and text entry (TE) line commands. Normally,
when a line is inserted, the line is initially blank. By specifying an insert mask, you can insert a block of
lines with a particular template. The MASK line is editable. Note that if you specify multiple masks in one
file, only the first mask is used.
See Also
ISPF Line Command I, ISPF Line Command TE, ISPF Line Command TS
ISPF Make Data Lines MD, MDD and MDMD for blocks
• MD [n] - Make n data lines starting with the line with the command.
• MDD - Make a block of lines data, must match another MDD or MDMD.
• MDMD - Make a block of lines data, must match another MDD or MDMD.
Converts one or more no-save lines to data so that they may be saved when the buffer is saved. There
are two forms to this command. The first form (MD [n]) specifies that the line and the subsequent n-1
ISPF Line Commands