
Content Wrap Settings
The Content Wrap tab of the XML/HTML Formatting dialog contains options for specifying how wrapping
should occur for the selected tag’s content.
Figure 7.35. XML/HTML Formatting: Content Wrap Tab
There are three main (mutually-exclusive) options:
Wrap tag content - When selected, content between tags is wrapped according to the settings spe-
cified in the Tag content width group box. See Tag Content Width Settings below for details.
Treat as content - When selected, the tag as well as its content is wrapped according to the parent tag
content. The tag is treated as "inline" with the surrounding text. This could be useful for style tags such
as <b> or <i> that you want to appear "inline" with the content. For example:
This is a sample paragraph with the <b>bold tags</b> being treated as
content, "inline" with the rest of the text.
Formatting Settings