sions that support Extension Options. To configure Extension Options for an extension that is not in the
list, you must first load or create a file with that extension.
Before configuring any of the Extension Options, always make sure the Extension drop-down list
reflects the extension you wish to affect.
• Refer to - When an extension refers to another extension, both extensions operate exactly the same.
That is, all Context Tagging®, template editing, word processing options, and all other extension options
are the same. In addition, modifying the extension option information for either extension updates both
extensions. For example, by default, the .h and .cpp extensions refer to the .c file extension. Modify
the .h or .cpp extension setup to modify the extension setup for all three extensions. In addition, the
.h and .cpp extensions use the same Context Tagging settings as the .c extension.
To have the setup data for one extension refer to another extension, click the Refer to button (located
at the top right corner of the Extension Options dialog). This button is not available if other extensions
already refer to this one. Refer to is also available on the New Extension dialog box to set when adding
a new extension.
• Update - To update the extension setup, click this button (located at the bottom of the Extension Op-
tions dialog). This is useful when modifying the options for more than one extension, as it keeps the Ex-
tension Options dialog box displayed.
• Options - To access formatting options such as brace styles, indentation, and other code style settings,
click the Options button (located at the bottom of the Extension Options dialog). This will display a
Formatting Options dialog box that contains options specific to the extension that is selected. Each dia-
log is described in the appropriate section in the chapter Chapter 7, Language-Specific Editing.
• New - To create a new extension and assign extension-specific options to it, including Refer to, click
the New button (located at the bottom of the Extension Options dialog). The New Extension dialog box
is displayed. See Creating a New Extension for more information.
• Delete - To delete the selected file extension’s setup information, click the Delete button (located at the
bottom of the Extension Options dialog). Note that the Fundamental extension setup information cannot
be deleted. An extension such as C, that has other extensions (such as H, CPP, and CXX) that refer to
it, cannot be deleted until all of the extensions that refer to it are deleted.
Indent Tab
You can set the indent configurations for specific file types. To access these settings, from the main menu
click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File
Extension Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, select the Indent tab. For more information
about working with the features controlled by these options, see Syntax Indent and SmartPaste®.
Figure 10.32. Extension Options: Indent Tab
Extension Options Dialog