Language-Specific Editing Overview
Many features in SlickEdit® Core are language-specific and based on the language editing mode. You
can also configure different settings for different languages. See Language Editing Modes and Extension
Options below for more information.
This chapter also includes specific information about extension options, beautifiers, and more for the fol-
lowing languages:
• Ada
• C and C++
• Java
• Pascal
• PL/I
• Python
• XML and HTML
Language Editing Modes
SlickEdit® Core uses the extension of the current file to determine what language you are using, thereby
only making available the options and features that are possible in that language. If you have a file with a
non-standard extension or no extension at all, you will need to manually specify the editing mode. To spe-
cify a mode, from the main menu click Format → Select Mode (or use the select_mode command). The
Select Mode dialog is displayed with a list of modes from which to select.
Changing and Creating Modes
To change or create modes, from the main menu click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and
click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. Select the General Tab. If
you want to change the name of an existing mode, select the language extension from the Extension
drop-down list. Then enter the new name in the Mode name text box.
If your language is not listed in the Select Mode dialog or in the Extension drop-down list, you can create
a new mode. Click the New button on the Extension Options dialog, then type the language extension
(without the Dot) in the Extension text box. If the language is similar to another language that is already
available, you can select it from the Refer to combo box. This will cause the new extension’s configura-
tion to match the configuration of the referred existing language. See Referring to Extensions for more in-
Language Editing Modes