XEDIT ISPF Description
/ R Repeat the marked line.
F A Paste text following line.
A I Add (insert) line(s).
P B Paste text before line.
L LC Make line lowercase.
LL LCC Make block lowercase.
U UC Make line uppercase.
UU UCC Make block uppercase.
Note the following conflicts with standard ISPF edit line commands:
• F conflicts with unexclude first (F).
• A conflicts with paste after (A).
• L conflicts with unexclude last (L).
• LL conflicts with unexclude block (LL).
ISPF Unsupported Primary Commands
The table below shows ISPF primary commands that are not supported in the ISPF emulation mode. The
unsupported commands fall into two categories. First, some ISPF commands are made obsolete by more
powerful features, such as recovery, profile, and setundo. Second, some commands reflect features
that we chose not to implement for the emulation, such as ISPF macros, PDF statistics, model, and pack.
Table 11.10. Unsupported ISPF Primary Commands
Command Description
autolist Control the automatic printing of data to the ISPF
list data set.
builtin Process a built-in command, even if overloaded by
a macro.
define Define a name as an alias or macro.
ISPF Line Commands