Key Action
Y or Space Make change and continue searching.
N or Backspace No change and continue searching.
L or Dot Make change and stop searching.
G or ! Make change and change the rest without prompt-
Q or Esc Exit command. By default, the cursor is NOT re-
stored to its original position. If you want the cursor
restored to its original position, from the main menu
click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit
and click General in the tree, then double-click the
General setting. Select the Search Tab. Select the
Restore cursor after replace option.
Ctrl+G Exit command and restore cursor to its original pos-
Ctrl+R Search in reverse for next occurrence of search
Ctrl+S Search forward for next occurrence of search string.
Ctrl+T Toggle regular expression pattern matching on/off.
The key bound to the Brief emulation command
re_toggle will also toggle regular expression pat-
tern matching.
Ctrl+W Toggle word searching on/off. To change the word
characters for a specific extension, from the main
menu click Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then
double-click the File Extension Setup setting. Se-
lect your extension from the Extension drop-down
list, then select the Advanced Tab.
Ctrl+C Toggle case-sensitivity. The key bound to the Brief
emulation command case_toggle will also toggle
the case-sensitivity.
Ctrl+M Toggle searching within selection.
F1 or ? Display Help on Find and Replace view.
Find and Replace Commands