Alias Name and Description Value
wm - A WinMain function template with indenting
and a cursor position.
int APIENTRY WinMain(HANDLE hInstance,
HANDLE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdParam,
int nCmdShow)
Parameter Prompting
Parameters can be set up for aliases, so that when the alias is expanded, you are prompted with a dialog
to input the values. This is useful for reducing even more key strokes for repetitive tasks when using ali-
ases that may require different values each time they are used.
To use parameter prompting, first define the parameters, then use them in your alias values by typing
%(ParamName) where ParamName is the name of the parameter that you have defined (see Creating an
Alias for Parameter Prompting below). When the alias is used and expanded, the Parameter Entry dialog
will appear, prompting you for the parameter values, which will then be inserted into your text.
Creating an Alias for Parameter Prompting
To create an alias for parameter prompting, first select the alias file as described in the section Choosing
the Alias File, then use the Alias Editor to complete the following steps:
1. Click New, then enter the new alias name. In the aliases list box (on the left side of the Alias Editor),
make sure the new alias is selected.
2. Click the Add button below the Parameters group box. The Enter Alias Parameter dialog is displayed.
3. Enter the following values:
• Parameter Name - Enter the name that you wish to use in the alias value.
• Prompt - Enter the text that you wish to be prompted with. This is the label that will appear on the
Parameter Entry dialog that prompts for values after the alias is expanded.
• Initial Value - (Optional) Enter the initial value of the parameter. This text will appear in the text field
of the Parameter Entry dialog that prompts for values after the alias is expanded.
4. Click OK.
5. If you wish to add more parameters, repeat Steps 2 through 4.
6. On the Alias Editor dialog, the Parameters group box will now display a list of the parameters that you
have added.
Extension-Specific Aliases