Color Coding
This feature is designed to combine current line coloring, modified line coloring, and language-specific
coloring. By default, the fundamental mode colors the current line. Languages with specific support
already defined (i.e. keywords, comments, etc.) use language-specific coloring.
If modified line coloring is active, the left edge of the window displays a different color depending on
whether the line was inserted or modified. To change the colors, use the Color Settings dialog box. For
more information see, Colors.
When current line color coding is active, language-specific color coding for the current line is not view-
If you want to know what lines have been modified, bind the command color_modified_toggle to a key.
It will toggle display of modified lines in a different color on/off. You can bind the color_toggle command
to a key as well. This command toggles between current line, modified line, and language specific color-
ing individually.
Resetting Modified Lines on Save
SlickEdit® Core can clear the modified and inserted line color when you save a file. To activate this fea-
ture, select the Reset line modify option on the Save Tab of the File Options dialog (Window → Prefer-
ences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Options setting.
Adding Color-Coded Keywords to Supported Languages
You can add color-coded keywords to a supported language. To add color-coded keywords to a suppor-
ted language, complete the following steps.
1. From the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree,
then double-click the Color Coding setting.
2. Select the Tokens Tab.
3. Choose the language you want to modify from the Lexer Name combo box list.
4. Click New.
5. Enter the new keywords separated with a space character.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK on the Color Coding Setup dialog box.
For more information, see Color Coding Configuration.
Resetting Modified Lines on