Key or Key Sequence Function
Shift+Up Start or extend selection up one line.
Shift+Down Start or extend selection down one line.
Shift+PgUp Start or extend selection up one page.
Shift+PgDn Start or extend selection down one page.
Ctrl+Shift+Home Start or extend selection to top of buffer.
Ctrl+Shift+End Start or extend selection to bottom of buffer.
Ctrl+X Cut selected text.
Ctrl+C Copy selected text to clipboard.
Ctrl+V Paste clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V List clipboards.
Different selection styles found in non-CUA compliant editors, such as Brief, are also provided. To use a
different selection style, use the Selections Tab of the General Options dialog box (click Window → Pref-
erences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, double-click the General setting).
Modifying Selected Text
After you select text, you can invoke a key or type a command that modifies the selected text. Use the in-
formation in the following table to assist you when making modifications to selected text. When two com-
mands are displayed, the first command is the command line version of the command, and the second is
the graphical version of the command.
Table 6.5. Operations for Selected Text
Command Key Sequence or Menu Item Description
mou_click_copy Ctrl+L Drags and copies the selected
text. Click within the selected text
and hold the left button down
while moving the mouse to a new
location. Line selections are inser-
ted after the current line by de-
fault. If you want line selections
inserted before the current line,