specific language editing mode, you can change it now by clicking the Advanced button on the Bind
Key dialog. Click Bind to mode, then from the drop-down list, select the mode for which the binding
should apply. Bindings assigned to a specific language editing mode override those assigned to de-
You can create multiple bindings for the same command/macro and have one binding set to de-
fault and the others set to specific modes. In this case, when you are editing in a specified mode,
that binding is in effect, and when editing in any other language editing mode not specified, the
default binding will be in effect. For example, in CUA emulation, Ctrl+L is bound to select_line by
default, but when in HTML mode, you may want to use Ctrl+L to insert an HTML link instead (in-
sert_html_link command). Therefore, you can bind Ctrl+L to insert_html_link and specify the
HTML mode for use only when editing HTML files.
5. When finished, click Bind. The key sequence or mouse event now appears in the Key Sequence
column on the Key Bindings dialog.
Editing Bindings
To change the binding or language editing mode for a command/macro that is already bound, you will
need to first unbind the command/macro, then recreate it. See Removing Bindings and Creating Bindings.
If you have advanced knowledge of SlickEdit® Core, you can edit the Slick-C® key binding source directly.
See Editing the Key Binding Source for more information.
Removing Bindings
To remove a binding:
1. Using the Key Bindings dialog, find the command/user macro or key sequence that you want to unbind.
You can search by using the search boxes at the top (see Viewing and Filtering Bindings).
2. With the command/macro row selected, click Remove, or press Delete. You are prompted to confirm
the unbind operation.
Exporting and Importing Bindings
Key and mouse bindings can be exported out of the editor and imported in, useful for creating backups,
sharing with other team members, or taking with you should you switch computers.
Exporting Bindings
When you export bindings using the Key Bindings dialog, custom bindings for all language editing modes
in the current emulation are exported into an XML file with a name and location that you can specify.
To export your bindings:
1. Click the Export button on the Key Bindings dialog. The Save As dialog is displayed.
Managing Bindings