If Maximum right column is used, comment lines will be wrapped when they reach the specified
column, even if they have not reached the specified fixed width. This is useful if coding standards
mandate that text should not exceed a specified column.
• Fixed right margin - If selected, lines will break before the specified number of columns in the Right
column field has been reached.
• Preserve width on existing comments - If selected, when editing an existing comment, SlickEdit®
Core preserves the width of the existing comment. The width is determined by the length of the
longest multi-line paragraph. If the width of the existing comment cannot be determined, the format-
ting option specified under Comment width will be used instead.
• Continue bullet list on Enter - If selected, when Enter is pressed inside a bulleted paragraph, a
new bullet will be inserted and the cursor will be placed at the text starting position.
• Javadoc - If Use hanging indent on block tag comments is selected, the second line of a block tag
comment will be automatically aligned to the first non-whitespace character after the first word after the
• Sync vertical line column - This button will make visible and move the vertical line column to match
the hard margin column (if using fixed right column margins) or the maximum right column (if using
fixed width).
Advanced Tab
The Advanced tab allows you to set color coding, extension-specific project parameters, and more. To
access these settings, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree,
then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, select the Ad-
vanced tab.
Figure 10.37. Extension Options: Advanced Tab
Extension Options Dialog