switch to the opposite setting, depending on whether it is bound to Split Insert Line or Nosplit
Insert Line.
• Home - The following commands are available for binding to the Home key:
• Begin Line - Moves the cursor to column one.
• Begin Line Text Toggle - Toggles the cursor between the first non-blank character of the current
line and column 1.
More Options
The settings listed below appear on the Redefine Common Keys dialog box.
• Cursor wrap - Determines whether the cursor_left and cursor_right commands wrap to the previous
or next line respectively.
• Up/Down on text - Determines whether the cursor_up and cursor_down commands place the cursor
in virtual space. By default, cursor_up and cursor_down go to the same column of the next or previ-
ous line, regardless of the length of the line.
• Up/Down within soft wrapped lines - If selected, when Soft Wrap is on (Window → Preferences, ex-
pand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting and
select the Word Wrap Tab), the cursor_down and cursor_up commands move the cursor up to the
next or previous visible line, including line continuations. To force cursor_down and cursor_up to
move the cursor to the next or previous physical line (the same position to which the cursor would move
if Soft Wrap was off), deselect this option.
• Line wrap on text - If selected, line wrapping will occur when column one is reached. If deselected,
line wrapping occurs when the left margin is reached. When Word Wrap is on (Window → Prefer-
ences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup
setting and select the Word Wrap Tab), wrapping occurs when the left margin is reached regardless of
the Left or Backspace key configurations.
• Jump over tab characters - If selected, moving the cursor over a tab character with the Left or Right
arrow key causes the cursor to jump across the virtual space. To allow the Left and Right arrow keys
to cursor into virtual space of tab characters, deselect this option.
This setting also controls whether clicking in the buffer with the mouse to either position the cursor or to
make a selection will align the cursor to the nearest tab character, or allow the cursor to be placed in
virtual space between tab characters.
• Pull chars backspace - If selected, pressing the Backspace key when in Replace mode (when Start
in insert mode is off [Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then
double-click the General setting and select the More Tab]) removes the previous character and moves
the cursor left. If you want the previous character to be replaced with a space character, deselect this
• Hack tabs backspace - If selected, pressing the Backspace key when the previous character is a tab
Redefine Common Keys Dialog