Characters have special meaning during search and replace operations.
• UNIX regular expressions - When regular expressions are turned on for a search and replace com-
mand, the backslash character (\) has special meaning in the replace string. A backslash in the replace
string has the same meaning as in the search string except that \c and \:char are not supported. See
UNIX Regular Expressions for a list of backslash (\) options. See Using Tagged Search Expressions for
information on specifying tagged expressions in the replace string.
• SlickEdit® regular expressions - When regular expressions are turned on for a search and replace
command, the number sign character (#) and backslash (\) have special meaning in the replace string.
A backslash in the replace string has the same meaning as in the search string except that \c, :char,
and \gd are not supported. See SlickEdit Regular Expressions for a list of backslash (\) options. See
Using Tagged Search Expressions for information on specifying tagged expressions in the replace
string using the number sign (#) character.
• Brief regular expressions - When regular expressions are turned on for a search and replace com-
mand, the backslash character (\) has special meaning in that backslash in the replace string has the
same meaning as in the search string except that \c and \:char are not supported. See Brief Regular
Expressions for a list of backslash (\) options. See Using Tagged Search Expressions for information
on specifying tagged expressions in the replace string.
The following table contains some examples of replace operations using regular expressions:
Table 6.13. Examples of Replacing Using Regular Expressions
Example Description
Search For: hat$
Replace With: cat
Search for occurrences of the string "hat" that occur
at the end of a line and replace it with "cat".
UNIX and SlickEdit® regular expression:
Search For: ^\n
Replace With:
Brief regular expression:
Search For: <\n
Replace With:
Delete blank lines.
UNIX and SlickEdit regular expression:
Search For: ^\n\n
Replace With: \n
Brief regular expression:
Search For: <\n\n
Replace With: \n
Replace occurrences of two consecutive blank lines
with one.
UNIX regular expression:
Search for: ^a+$
Search for lines containing "a" and replace the "a"
with a formfeed character.
Find and Replace with Regular