The following settings are available:
• Requires editor control - Indicates that this command should be enabled only if operating on an editor
• Allow in read only mode - Indicates that this command should be enabled if the editor control is in
strict read only mode.
• Allow when window is iconized - Indicates that this command should be enabled if the editor control
is an editor window which is iconized.
• Requires selection in active buffer - Indicates that this command should be disabled if there is no se-
lection in the active buffer.
• Requires Context Tagging® - Indicates that this command should be disabled if Context Tagging does
not support the current buffer language type.
• Requires fileman mode - Indicates that this command should be disabled if the current buffer is not in
Fileman mode.
• Requires unicode buffer - Indicates that this command should be disabled if the current buffer is not
• Allow in non-MDI editor control - Indicates that this command should be allowed in a non-MDI editor
• Requires block selection - Indicates that this command should be disabled if there is no selection or
the current selection is not a type of block or column.
Auto Enable Properties Dialog