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Use the down arrow key (˜) to select the option 2. MEMORY… Then,
press @@OK@@. This will produce the following pull-down menu:
Use the down arrow key (˜) to select the 5. DIRECTORY option. Then,
press @@OK@@. This will produce the following pull-down menu:
Use the down arrow key (˜) to select the 6. PGDIR option, and press
Command PGDIR in Algebraic mode
Once you have selected the PGDIR through one of the means shown above, the
command will be available in your stack as follows:
At this point, you need to type the name of an existing directory, say S4 :
As a result, sub-directory )@@S4@@ is deleted:
Instead of typing the name of the directory, you can simply press the
corresponding soft menu key at the listing of the PGDIR( ) command, e.g.,