Page H-2
Θ You can type two or more letters of the command of interest, by locking
the alphabetic keyboard. This will take you to the command of interest,
or to its neighborhood. Afterwards, you need to unlock the alpha
keyboard, and use the vertical arrow keys —˜ to locate the
command, if needed. Press @@OK@@ to locate the to activate the
command. For example, to locate the command PROPFRAC, you can
use, one of the following keystroke sequences:
I L@HELP ` ~~pr ~ ˜˜@@OK@@
I L@HELP ` ~~pro ~ ˜@@OK@@
I L@HELP ` ~~prop ~ @@OK@@
See Appendix C for more information on the CAS (Computer Algebraic
System). Appendix C includes other examples of application of the CAS help