Page TOC-21
“De-tagging” a tagged quantity ,21-33
Examples of tagged output ,21-34
Using a message box ,21-37
Relational and logical operators ,21-43
Relational operators ,21-43
Logical operators ,21-45
Program branching ,21-46
Branching with IF ,21-47
The IF…THEN…END construct ,21-47
The CASE construct ,21-51
Program loops ,21-53
The START construct ,21-53
The FOR construct ,21-59
The DO construct ,21-61
The WHILE construct ,21-63
Errors and error trapping ,21-64
DOERR ,21-64
ERRN ,21-65
ERRM ,21-65
ERR0 ,21-65
LASTARG ,21-65
Sub-menu IFERR ,21-65
User RPL programming in algebraic mode ,21-67
Chapter 22 - Programs for graphics manipulation ,22-1
The PLOT menu ,22-1
User-defined key for the PLOT menu ,22-1
Description of the PLOT menu ,22-2
Generating plots with programs ,22-14
Two-dimensional graphics ,22-14
Three-dimensional graphics ,22-15
The variable EQ ,22-15
Examples of interactive plots using the PLOT menu ,22-15