Page 26-5
Backing up and restoring HOME
You can back up the contents of the current HOME directory in a single back up
object. This object will contain all variables, key assignments, and alarms
currently defined in the HOME directory. You can also restore the contents of
your HOME directory from a back up object previously stored in port memory.
The instructions for these operations follow.
Backing up the HOME directory
To back up the current HOME directory using algebraic mode, enter the
ARCHIVE(:Port_Number: Backup_Name)
Here, Port_Number is 0, 1, 2 (or 3, if an SD memory card is available -- see
below), and Backup_Name is the name of the backup object that will store the
contents of HOME. The : : container is entered by using the keystroke sequence
„ê. For example, to back up HOME into HOME1 in Port 1, use:
To back up the HOME directory in RPN mode, use the command:
: Port_Number : Backup_Name ` ARCHIVE
Restoring the HOME directory
To restore the Home directory in algebraic mode use the command:
RESTORE(: Port_Number : Backup_Name)
F o r e x a m p l e , t o r e s t o r e t h e H O M E d i r e c t o r y o u t o f b a c k u p o b j e c t H O M E 1 , u s e :
In RPN mode use:
: Port_Number : Backup_Name ` RESTORE