HP (Hewlett-Packard) 50g Calculator User Manual

Page 5-11
FACTOR Factorizes an integer number or a polynomial
FCOEF Generates fraction given roots and multiplicity
FROOTS Returns roots and multiplicity given a fraction
GCD Greatest common divisor of 2 numbers or polynomials
HERMITE n-th degree Hermite polynomial
HORNER Horner evaluation of a polynomial
LAGRANGE Lagrange polynomial interpolation
LCM Lowest common multiple of 2 numbers or polynomials
LEGENDRE n-th degree Legendre polynomial
PARTFRAC Partial-fraction decomposition of a given fraction
PCOEF (help-facility entry missing)
PTAYL Returns Q(x-a) in Q(x-a) = P(x), Taylor polynomial
QUOT Euclidean quotient of two polynomials
RESULTANT Determinant of the Sylvester matrix of 2 polynomials
REMAINDER Euclidean reminder of two polynomials
STURM Sturm sequences for a polynomial
STURMAB Sign at low bound and number of zeros between bounds
ADDTMOD Add two expressions modulo current modulus
DIVMOD Divides 2 polynomials modulo current modulus
DIV2MOD Euclidean division of 2 polynomials with modular
EXPANDMOD Expands/simplify polynomial modulo current modulus
FACTORMOD Factorize a polynomial modulo current modulus
GCDMOD GCD of 2 polynomials modulo current modulus
INVMOD inverse of integer modulo current modulus
MOD (not entry available in the help facility)
MODSTO Changes modulo setting to specified value
MULTMOD Multiplication of two polynomials modulo current
POWMOD Raises polynomial to a power modulo current modulus
SUBTMOD Subtraction of 2 polynomials modulo current modulus