Page TOC-7
Variable EQ ,6-26
The SOLVR sub-menu ,6-26
The DIFFE sub-menu ,6-29
The POLY sub-menu ,6-29
The SYS sub-menu ,6-30
The TVM sub-menu ,6-30
Chapter 7 - Solving multiple equations ,7-1
Rational equation systems ,7-1
Example 1 – Projectile motion ,7-1
Example 2 – Stresses in a thick wall cylinder ,7-2
Example 3 - System of polynomial equations ,7-4
Solution to simultaneous equations with MSLV ,7-4
Example 1 - Example from the help facility ,7-5
Example 2 - Entrance from a lake into an open channel ,7-5
Using the Multiple Equation Solver (MES) ,7-9
Application 1 - Solution of triangles ,7-9
Application 2 - Velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates ,7-17
Chapter 8 - Operations with lists ,8-1
Definitions ,8-1
Creating and storing lists ,8-1
Composing and decomposing lists ,8-2
Operations with lists of numbers ,8-2
Changing sign ,8-3
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division ,8-3
Real number functions from the keyboard ,8-4
Real number functions from the MTH menu ,8-5
Examples of functions that use two arguments ,8-6
Lists of complex numbers ,8-7
Lists of algebraic objects ,8-8
The MTH/LIST menu ,8-8
Manipulating elements of a list ,8-10