Page 22-2
To user-define a key you need to add to this list a command or program
followed by a reference to the key (see details in Chapter 20). Type the list
{ S << 81.01 MENU >> 13.0 } in the stack and use function STOKEYS
(„°L@)MODES @)@KEYS@ @@STOK@) to user-define key C as the access to the
PLOT menu. Verify that such list was stored in the calculator by using
„°L@)MODES @)@KEYS@ @@RCLK@.
To activate a user defined key you need to press „Ì (same as the ~
key) before pressing the key or keystroke combination of interest. To activate the
PLOT menu, with the key definition used above, press: „Ì C. You will
get the following menu (press L to move to second menu)
Description of the PLOT menu
The following diagram shows the menus in PLOT. The number accompanying
the different menus and functions in the diagram are used as reference in the
subsequent description of those objects.
The soft menu key labeled 3D, STAT, FLAG, PTYPE, and PPAR, produce
additional menus, which will be presented in more detail later. At this point we
describe the functions directly accessible through soft menu keys for menu
number 81.02. These are:
Note: We will not work any exercise while presenting the PLOT menu, its
functions or sub-menus. This section will be more like a tour of the contents of
PLOT as they relate to the different type of graphs available in the calculator.