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Chapter 24
Calculator objects and flags
Numbers, lists, vectors, matrices, algebraics, etc., are calculator objects. They
are classified according to its nature into 30 different types, which are
described below. Flags are variables that can be used to control the calculator
properties. Flags were introduced in Chapter 2.
Description of calculator objects
The calculator recognizes the following object types:
Number Type Example
0 Real Number -1.23E-5
1 Complex Number (-1.2,2.3)
2String "Hello, world "
3 Real Array [[1 2][3 4]]
4Complex Array [[(1 2) (3 4)]
[(5 6) (7 8)]
5List {3 1 'PI'}
6 Global Name X
7 Local Name y
8 Program << a 'a^2' >>
9 Algebraic object 'a^2+b^2'
10 Binary Integer # 2F1E h
11 Graphic Object Graphic 131×64
12 Tagged Object R: 43.5
13 Unit Object 3_m^2/s
14 XLIB Name XLIB 342 8
15 Directory DIR É END
16 Library Library 1230"...
17 Backup Object Backup MYDIR
18 Built-in Function COS
19 Built-in Command CLE R