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Chapter 12
In this chapter we introduce some of the graphics capabilities of the calculator.
We will present graphics of functions in Cartesian coordinates and polar
coordinates, parametric plots, graphics of conics, bar plots, scatterplots, and a
variety of three-dimensional graphs.
Graphs options in the calculator
To access the list of graphic formats available in the calculator, use the keystroke
sequence „ô(D) Please notice that if you are using the RPN mode
these two keys must be pressed simultaneously
to activate any of the graph
functions. After activating the 2D/3D function, the calculator will produce
window, which includes the TYPE field as illustrated below.
Right in front of the TYPE field you will, most likely, see the option
highlighted. This is the default type of graph for the calculator. To see the list
of available graph types, press the soft menu key labeled @CHOOS. This will
produce a drop down menu with the following options (use the up- and down-
arrow keys to see all the options):