Page TOC-14
The SYMBOLIC menu and graphs ,12-49
The SYMB/GRAPH menu ,12-50
Function DRAW3DMATRIX ,12-52
Chapter 13 - Calculus Applications ,13-1
The CALC (Calculus) menu ,13-1
Limits and derivatives ,13-1
Function lim ,13-2
Derivatives ,13-3
Functions DERIV and DERVX ,13-3
The DERIV&INTEG menu ,13-4
Calculating derivatives with ∂ ,13-4
The chain rule ,13-6
Derivatives of equations ,13-7
Implicit derivatives ,13-7
Application of derivatives ,13-7
Analyzing graphics of functions ,13-8
Function DOMAIN ,13-9
Function TABVAL ,13-9
Function SIGNTAB ,13-10
Function TABVAR ,13-10
Using derivatives to calculate extreme points ,13-12
Higher order derivatives ,13-13
Anti-derivatives and integrals ,13-14
Functions INT, INTVX, RISCH, SIGMA and SIGMAVX ,13-14
Definite integrals ,13-15
Step-by-step evaluation of derivatives and integrals ,13-16
Integrating an equation ,13-17
Techniques of integration ,13-18
Substitution or change of variables ,13-18
Integration by parts and differentials ,13-19
Integration by partial fractions ,13-20
Improper integrals ,13-20