Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.2 Functions in the Action Area for Volume
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
Requirements to obtain free space from RAID groups
• The "Status" is not " Broken"
• The RAID group must satisfy the following requirements:
- The RAID group must contain Standard type volumes, WSVs, SDVs, or SDPVs
If this is not the case, the RAID group must not contain any volumes
- The RAID group must not belong to a TPP
- The RAID group must not belong to an FTRP
- The RAID group must not be registered as an REC Disk Buffer
• The number of volumes registered in the target RAID group is 127 or less
• The free space for the RAID group is 1GB or larger
• The RAID group must not be blocked
• LDE is not being performed in the target RAID group
• When the disk type of the RAID group to which the concatenation source volume belongs is "SSD", the
concatenation destination RAID group must be configured with "SSD"
• When the disk type of the RAID group to which the concatenation source volume belongs is "SED", the
concatenation destination RAID group must be configured with "SED"
• Backing up the data before performing volume expansion is recommended.
• This function cannot be used under the following conditions:
- When the maximum number of volumes is already registered in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system
- When switching firmware in hot mode in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system
- When a RAID group diagnosis or a disk diagnosis is being performed in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage
• Expanded volume capacity must be recognized by server.
• The same RAID type and drive speed is recommended for the RAID group to which the concatenation
volume belongs and the RAID group after concatenation.
• The encryption status of volumes after concatenation is the same as the concatenation source volume.
• Concatenated volumes are formatted automatically. Refer to the [Volumes] screen for format progress.
• To expand the TPV capacity, refer to "5.2.6 Expand Thin Provisioning Volume" (page 121)
• Volume expansion (LUN concatenation) can be performed even when the concatenation source volume
is being formatted.