Peak Detection
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-7
3. If peak detection is not acceptable, leave the Use
Resolution Dependent Settings option enabled, and
adjust the following global threshold parameters in the
following order:
• %Base Peak Intensity—Use this parameter to
eliminate peaks with an intensity below the
specified threshold. This threshold is represented
as a percentage of the intensity of the base peak.
• %Max Peak Area—Use this parameter to
fine-tune noise discrimination on the baseline or
noise spikes on peaks. This threshold is
represented as a percentage of the area of the
peak with the largest area and is calculated above
the local baseline.
To determine an appropriate threshold, display the
Spectrum Peak list, note the area of the peak with
the greatest area and the areas of unwanted
peaks, and estimate the percentage to enter as
the threshold.
Specifying a %Max Peak Area Threshold is
particularly useful if the spectrum includes a rising
baseline that would cross a %Base Peak Intensity
Threshold and eliminate peaks of interest in one
portion of the trace.
4. If peak detection is still not acceptable, adjust the
remaining peak detection parameters, as described in
Section 3.2.3, Setting Peak Detection Parameters.