Using the Ion Fragmentation Calculator
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 6-27
Setting Options 7. Click Options.
The Ion Fragmentation Options dialog box (Figure 6-16)
is displayed.
Figure 6-16 Ion Fragmentation Options Dialog Box
8. Select the ion types to display, and whether or not to
generate results for internal fragments.
9. If you are analyzing Mariner data, select Calculate
multiple charge states if desired, then specify the
maximum charge state to calculate (up to 12).
10. Type the Mass Tolerance to use when labeling peaks.
Masses that fall outside the tolerance are not labeled.
11. To add the labels generated by this operation to the list
of available user labels, select Append new labels to
existing user label list. For more information, see
Section 3.5.3, Setting Custom Peak Labels.
12. Click OK.