Data Explorer Software User’s Guide Index-7
CombiSolv data
displaying one injection 4-24
Event Tag Filtering command
dimmed (Mariner data
only) 4-24
acquisition, displaying 1-15
acquisition, displaying for open
data file 1-15
acquisition, displaying when
opening a data file 2-3
result file 1-15, 2-40
Comparing data files 2-38
Composite spectrum, PSD
automatically processed when
generated 8-6
displaying segment traces 8-3
generating 8-2, 8-5
how it is generated 8-6
labeling fragment ions 8-8
Max Stitch Masses 8-4
precursor mass, changing 8-23
Composition, elemental 6-2
Compression, data 1-28
configuration requirement A-1
technical support for altered
configuration A-1
Configuration, exporting from DAT
file 1-36
Constant neutral loss (CNL), see
Extracted ion chromatogram
Context-sensitive menus 1-14
see also Exporting
DAT to ASCII 1-34
profile data to centroid 1-33
SPC to DAT 1-30
Voyager .MS files 1-30
all peaks 1-40
apex mass list 1-41
centroid mass list 1-41
data from other data files 2-37
data to Windows clipboard 1-38
displayed peaks 1-39
mass list 1-41
peak list 1-40
results 2-28
to metafile 1-38
trace data 1-39, 2-37
trace image 1-38
Correcting baseline
chromatogram 4-29
spectrum 5-47
spectrum, advanced 5-48
Correlation factor, noise filtering 4-18,
file suffix 1-33
in spectrum header 2-32, 5-36
CTS files 1-7
disabling 2-23
purging 2-23
Cursors, see Data cursors 1-27
Custom labels
see Graphic options, peak labels,
see Peak labels, custom
Customer feedback, Technical
Publications e-mail address xiv
colors, text, and line width 1-25
creating your own software
applications 1-5
data compression 1-28
Data Explorer window 1-17
defaults 1-17
graphic options 1-24
peak labels 3-52
processing settings 1-17