Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-6 Applied Biosystems
The manual calibration feature provides two modes for peak
• Automatic—The software automatically compares
reference masses to observed masses, and lists peaks
that are within the specified peak matching criteria.
• Manual—You manually select an observed mass, then
select the reference mass for comparison.
Hint: It is often useful to automatically perform a match and
fit first, then manually adjust the fit as needed.
references files
(.REF) provided
Default calibration reference files are provided with the
software. You can use these files as a starting point and add
delete reference masses as needed.
For information, see Section 5.3.3, Creating or Modifying a
Calibration Reference File (.REF).
When to use
Use manual calibration when you:
• Calibrate Voyager data
• Calibrate Mariner data and any of the following occur:
• You have one or only a few spectra to calibrate
• You do not know in advance which reference
masses to use
• You do not know in advance if the quality of the
reference mass signals is acceptable
• You want to fine-tune the results of an automatic
For information on automatic calibration, see Section 5.4,
Automatic Calibration.
Accurate mass
Before performing an internal calibration, refer to the:
• Mariner Workstation User’s Guide
• Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s Guide