Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-26 Applied Biosystems
5.4 Automatic Calibration
This section includes:
• Overview of automatic calibration
• Importing and specifying automatic calibration settings
• Automatically calibrating (Mariner data only)
NOTE: Automatic calibration is not supported for
Mariner DAD data.
5.4.1 Overview of Automatic Calibration
This section includes:
• During automatic calibration
• Automatic calibration for Mariner data
• Automatic calibration for Voyager data
During automatic
During automatic calibration:
• You specify auto calibration settings (reference masses,
matching criteria, and fit rejection parameters). Auto
calibration settings are saved as part of processing
settings in a .DAT file.
• If Auto Calibrate is enabled in the Data Explorer software
(Mariner data only), or if the Automatic Calibration
function is accessed by the Voyager Sequence Control
Panel (Voyager data only), the software does the
following for each spectrum it displays or processes:
• Compares peaks in the trace to peaks listed in the
Masses to Match list in auto calibration settings.