Chapter 6 Using Tools and Applications
6-42 Applied Biosystems
6.7.6 Advanced Macro Editing
Accessing the
Visual Basic
You can access the Visual Basic Editor to enhance or edit a
script created by the Macro Recorder in Data Explorer, or to
create a new script.
Access the Visual Basic Editor from Data Explorer in three
• Select Visual Basic Editor from the Tools menu.
• Select Macros from the Tools menu, select the macro to
edit, then click Edit.
• Click in the Macro toolbar
The DATAEXPLORER.VB6 file is displayed in the Visual Basic
Project Explorer window.
Macro scripts created using the Macro Recorder in Data
Explorer are stored in Module folders in the Project Explorer
scriptable objects
To display a list of the scriptable objects available within Data
Explorer, select Object Browser from the View menu in the
Visual Basic Project Explorer window.
For information on using the Visual Basic Editor, refer to the
online help in the Visual Basic Editor.
When you create Macro scripts, the Visual Basic Editor uses a
numbering sequence that starts at 0. If you specify a number
of 1 in the Visual Basic Editor, it indicates the second item in a
sequence, not the first. For example, if you create a script to
sort the Peak List in the Output window, and you want to sort
by Area (column 8 in the Peak List), specify sorting on column
7 in the script.