Mass Deconvolution (Mariner Data Only)
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 5-41
5. Type values for the following masses for the generated
zero-charge spectrum:
• Center—Center mass
• Half Width—Mass (±) from the Center mass
to include in the spectrum
• Increment—Mass increment at which to
perform the calculation (0.1 for resolved
isotope peaks, 1.0 for unresolved isotope
peaks, >1.0 for noisy trace)
Figure 5-12 Zero-Charge Spectrum Conversion
Dialog Box
6. Select or type the mass of the adduct ion to use in the
calculation. The mass of a proton (H
) is selected by
7. Click OK.
The deconvoluted trace (with a DECONV trace label)
replaces the original trace.
8. To return to the original trace, see “Returning to the
original spectrum” on page 5-3.