General Troubleshooting
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 9-3
9.2 General Troubleshooting
Table 9-1 General Troubleshooting—Mariner and Voyager
Symptom Possible Cause Action
Cannot find data file Did not save the spectrum
to a .DAT file
Reacquire spectrum. Save
.DAT file.
Error message displayed
when opening PSD data
You are currently
acquiring the PSD DAT
file and have not stopped
the experiment
Stop the Experiment. See
the Voyager
Workstation User’s Guide.
Parts of other software
windows are displayed on
top of the Data Explorer
window, or toolbar buttons
or status indicators are
not displayed
Multiple application
windows overlap
Close applications not in
use, then minimize and
maximize the Data
Explorer window to
refresh the display.
“Failed to create empty
document” message
displayed when you open
a data file
Chromatogram and
Spectrum windows are too
Resize the Output window
(click-drag border) so that
at least a small part of the
Chromatogram or
Spectrum window is
Graphic Option settings
are not applied to all
Did not select Use same
settings for all graphs
before entering settings
Select Use same
settings for all graphs
then click Apply.