File Formats and Types
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 1-7
MS Method settings, if data was acquired using an
.MSM file.
NOTE: To access the instrument settings used to
acquire each spectrum in an MS Method, you must first
extract the .MSM file from the data file, then export the
.BIC files from the .MSM file using the Export button in
the MS Method editor. For more information on
exporting a .BIC file from an .MSM file, see the Mariner
Workstation User’s Guide.
.SET Graphic and processing settings. See Section 1.4.2,
Customizing Processing and Graphic Settings (.SET).
Display .LBC Chromatogram label information. See Section 3.5.3,
Setting Custom Peak Labels.
.LBS Spectrum label information. See Section 3.5.3, Setting
Custom Peak Labels.
Process .CAL Calibration constants generated by mass calibration.
For more information, see “Exporting .BIC, .MSM, and
.CAL files” on page 1-36, and “Applying new constants
to additional files” on page 5-16.
.CTS Processed trace that you access by selecting
Processing History from the Display menu. For
information, see Section 2.4.7, Recalling and
Rearranging Traces (Processing History).
NOTE: You select the name of the trace from the
Processing History menu. You do not directly select a
.CTS file. To purge or disable .CTS files, see “Setting
Processing History options” on page 2-23.
Table 1-1 Information Stored In a .DAT File (Continued)
Category File Type File Content