Chapter 5 Examining Spectrum Data
5-28 Applied Biosystems
When to use Use automatic calibration for Mariner data when you:
• Have many spectra to calibrate
• Know in advance what reference masses to use
• Know in advance that the quality of the reference mass
signals is acceptable
For information on manual calibration, see Section 5.3,
Manual Calibration.
calibration for
Voyager data
The Automatic Calibration function in Data Explorer is used by
the Voyager Sequence Control Panel (described in the
Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s Guide) to
calibrate data as it is acquired. You use the Automatic
Calibration function in Data Explorer to prepare Automatic
Calibration settings (contain reference masses and other
matching information). You then save a .SET file that contains
the settings, then specify the .SET file in the Sequence Control
Panel. The Sequence Control Panel automatically calibrates
spectra using the calibration settings contained in the .SET
When to use Use automatic calibration for Voyager data to prepare
Automatic Calibration settings. The Sequence Control Panel
uses Automatic Calibration settings to calibrate data as it is
acquired. For more information on the Sequence Control
Panel and on specifying automatic calibration, see the
Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s Guide.