Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 7-1
7 Data Explorer
This chapter contains the following sections:
7.1 Mariner Data Examples ...................................... 7-2
7.1.1 Improving Signal-To-Noise Ratio ......... 7-2
7.1.2 Deconvoluting and Evaluating
Unresolved Chromatographic Peaks ... 7-4
7.1.3 Determining if a Peak is
Background Noise .............................. 7-8
7.2 Voyager Data Examples..................................... 7-11
7.2.1 Detecting and Labeling
Partially Resolved Peaks ...................7-11
7.2.2 Processing Before Calibrating to
Optimize Mass Accuracy .................. 7-14
7.2.3 Detecting Peaks from
Complex Digests ............................... 7-18