Peak Labeling
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-61
3.5.3 Setting Custom Peak Labels
This section includes:
• Description
• Customizing colors, font, and size
• Creating custom peak labels
• Applying user labels from .LBC or LBS files
• Displaying user labels
• User labels not displayed
Description A custom peak label displays the label name you enter. If you
specify a custom label for a spectrum, it is displayed instead of
the mass value.
colors, font, and
To set colors, font, and size for custom labels or peak labels,
see Section 1.5, Setting Graphic Options.
Creating custom
peak labels
To create custom peak labels:
1. Click the Chromatogram or Spectrum window to
activate it.
2. From the Peaks menu, select Peak Label.
The Peak Label dialog box is displayed (see
Figure 3-22 on page 3-56).
3. Click User Label Setup.
The User Label Setup dialog box appears
(Figure 3-23).
NOTE: The Chromatogram User Label Setup dialog
box displays X Value and X Tolerance instead of Peak
Mass and Mass Error.