Chapter 3 Peak Detection and Labeling
3-34 Applied Biosystems
Figure 3-8 Max Charge State Set Too Low and Max
Isotope # Set Correctly
The grouping of the first and fourth peaks into an isotope
cluster is apparent when you turn on monoisotopic peak list
filtering (Figure 3-9). The software labels the first peak, but
removes the mass and charge state labels from the 559.3 m/z
peak, indicating that it is part of the 558.3 m/z isotope cluster.
Note that turning on monoisotopic peak list filtering does not
affect the mass labels on the 558.6 m/z or 558.9 m/z peaks,
because these peaks have no calculated charge and are not
part of the determined isotope cluster.
Figure 3-9 Max Charge State Set Too Low,
Monoisotopic Peak List Filtering Turned On