Index-10 Applied Biosystems
Detection Ranges (continued)
setting manually,
chromatogram 3-19, 3-20
setting manually, spectrum 3-28
setting parameters globally,
spectrum 3-22
setting parameters locally,
spectrum 3-30
Detection, see Peak detection
DI in spectrum header 2-32, 3-49
Diode array detector data, see DAD
Diode array detector data, see DAD
Disk space, conserving by converting
profile data to centroid 1-33
Display range
scaling 2-11
x range, expanding 2-11
y range, expanding 2-11
Display Trace dialog box 2-18
peak labels 3-54, 3-56
Voyager chromatogram window 2-7
DNA residues, labeling C-5
Double bond equivalents (DBE)
definition 6-6
determining 6-6
Duplicating a trace 2-15
in chromatogram header 2-30, 4-25
redisplaying original data 4-26
Elemental composition
calculating 6-2
description 6-2
elements, adding 6-9
fragment ions, electron state for
accurate results 6-5
fragment ions, identifying 6-2
Elemental composition (continued)
Isotope Match Score 6-6
Isotope Match Score not reported
for fragment ion
calculations 6-6
isotope min and max values
ignored 6-8, 6-11
limits, setting 6-7, 6-9, 6-12
Periodic table 6-10
procedure 6-3
results 6-5
Elemental targeting
description 6-31
Isotope Match Score 6-33
procedure 6-31
results 6-33
theoretical isotope, displaying 6-33
Eliminate Fit Outlier 5-12
E-mail address, Technical
Publications xiv
PSD calibration 8-6
resolution-based peak
detection 3-4
Error, calibration
fit 5-12
initial 5-12
Event tag filtering (Mariner data only)
not displayed on Process
menu 4-24
overview 4-23
performing 4-24
redisplaying original data 4-26
Event tag, MS Method (Mariner data
see also MS Method (Mariner data
only), events
determining tags in file 4-23
displaying 4-23
filtering 4-23
redisplaying original data 4-26
Examples, see Data Explorer examples