Chapter 1 Data Explorer™ Basics
1-6 Applied Biosystems
Mariner .SPC file
In Mariner software versions earlier than version 3.0, data files
are stored in .SPC format. You can view and process .SPC
files in Data Explorer, or you can convert these files to .DAT
format. For information about the differences between the
.DAT and the .SPC formats, see the Mariner
User’s Guide.
Voyager .MS file
In Voyager software versions earlier than version 5.0, data
files are stored in .MS, .MSF, .MSA, and .MSB format. You can
view and process .MS, .MSF, .MSA, and .MSB files in Data
Explorer. You cannot convert them to .DAT format.
NOTE: Voyager .SPC format files are not supported in the
Data Explorer software.
information from
.DAT files
You can also store parameter settings in separate files by
extracting information from a .DAT file as needed for use with
other files. For more information, see Section 1.6.5, Extracting
and Saving Information from .DAT, .RSD, and .RCD Files.
The types of information stored in a .DAT file are described
Table 1-1 Information Stored In a .DAT File
Category File Type File Content
Settings .BIC Instrument settings for controlling the operation of the
mass analyzer. For more information, see the:
• Mariner Workstation User’s Guide
• Voyager Biospectrometry Workstation User’s