Peak List
Data Explorer
Software User’s Guide 3-41
NOTE: Inserted peaks are included when you save a
.PKT file.
NOTE: Peak list headings are not included when you save
a .PKT file. If you require headings, copy the peak list
directly to Excel instead of saving it as a .PKT file and then
importing it. Right-click the peak list to copy.
Importing and
saving in Excel
You can import peak list values into Microsoft Excel to create a
To import and save the peak list in Microsoft Excel:
1. In Excel, select Open from the File menu.
The Open dialog box is displayed.
2. Select All Files (*.*) from the Files of Type drop-down list
at the bottom of the dialog box. Select the directory and
file to import, then click Open.
The Text Import wizard is displayed.
3. Follow the prompts from the Text Import wizard, accepting
the default settings provided.
The peak list is converted to an Excel spreadsheet.
4. Select Save As from the File menu.
The Save As dialog box is displayed.
5. Select Microsoft Excel Workbook (*.xls) in the Save as
Type drop-down list at the bottom of the dialog box.
6. Type a file name or modify the default name (delete
quotation marks, if present, and the .PKT extension).
7. Click Save.
The file is saved with an .XLS extension.
For more information on using Excel, refer to your
Microsoft Excel User’s Guide.